Monday, March 1, 2010

Lesson #2: Cake Decorating

Sammy and her Ariel cake.

Austin and Winnie the Pooh.

The carrot cake Grandma baked for Alex.

I was very impressed with this box. Grandma's dad made this for her specifically to hold her cake decorating tools. She said she's had this box since before she was married so it's more than 50 years old!

The "before" shot of the Little Mermaid Cake.

The "after" shot!

The adorable Winnie the Pooh cake.

I've always wondered how Grandma was able to turn a regular old cake into a beautiful princess or a favourite cartoon character so when my sister, Erin, was talking about having a birthday party for her kids, Sammy and Austin, I volunteered Grandma and myself to bake and decorate the cakes. The party was to be held on the last Sunday of February so Grandma and I decided to get together on Friday, February 26th for some cake decorating fun! We had quite a bit of snow the night before and that morning so Easton and I had a long, slow drive out to Kingsville but I knew it'd be worth the effort. Unfortunately, Easton was not feeling great so he wanted to be held a lot which meant I wasn't able to help Grandma as much as I would have liked but I still feel like I learned a lot just from watching.

Grandma had one cake cooling and one in the oven when I got to her house that morning so that we could get started on the decorating shortly after I arrived. She had made a teddy bear cake for Austin that we were going to turn into Winnie the Pooh and a doll cake for Samantha that we were going to turn into Ariel from the Little Mermaid...oh, and Sammy wanted Ariel to look like a mermaid, not a princess. Unfortunately, the teddy bear cake fell apart a little when Grandma was taking him out of the cake pan (sorry Grandma if you didn't tell anyone this!) so we waited for the doll cake to finish baking and cooling before we started decorating.

Mostly all I did was help Grandma mix the food colouring into the icing because I didn't want to ruin the cakes! I helped with the Ariel cake but let Grandma decorate Winnie on her own (mainly because Easton didn't want me to put him down). I think it was good for me to just watch but next time....I will decorate an entire cake on my own (I hope)!!

As I started typing this I realized I forgot to get the recipe for the icing from Granmda so I will post it later. I should mention that Granmda baked a third cake on Saturday...a carrot cake for my cousin Alex's sweet sixteen. We celebrated all three birthdays together. Happy 2nd Birthday to Austin, Happy 4th Birthday to Samantha, and Happy 16th Birthday to Alexandra!!!

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